Research findings
No. 4 CoenzymeQ10-γ-Cyclodextrin complex (Inclusion compound) as a supplement for Improvement of Skin Conditions
Coenzyme Q10-γ-CD complex (CAVAMAX® W8 CoQ10) is commercially available from Wacker Chemical Corporation (MI, USA) and also CycloChem Co., Ltd. (Kobe, Japan). We previously used commercial product in the study of bioavailability.

Previously, we found the increasing of bioavailability of CoQ10 by complexation with γ-CD.
We explored how CoQ10-γ-CD shows the advantage of intake with high bioavailability for human skin conditions.
We explored how CoQ10-γ-CD shows the advantage of intake with high bioavailability for human skin conditions.
Effect on human skin by intake of supplement containing CoQ10-γ-CD complex