CycloChem Bio Co., Ltd. was awarded a Poster Prize at 17th International Cyclodextrin Symposium
CycloChem Bio Co., Ltd. was awarded a poster prize at 17th international cyclodextrin symposium (Saarbrücken, Germany, May, 29-31, 2014). Three presentations were selected as prize winners from total 134 presentations.
Prize winning presentation
A Study on Inhibition Mechanism of Lipid Absorption by α-Cyclodextrin Administration
Prize winner
CycloChem Bio Chief Researcher Takahiro Furune et al.
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University Prof. Norihiro Sakamoto
α-Cyclodextrin (α-CD) has been reported as a powerful dietary fiber to reduce blood cholesterol even though α-CD cannot bind to cholesterol. Thus, the mechanism of the lipid lowering effect of α-CD has not been clarified. In this study, interaction of α-CD and mixed micelle composed of lecithin and bile salts was explored. Mixed micelle is playing a key role of lipid solubilization in small intestine. Therefore, micellar solubility of lipids in the presence of α-CD was also explored. By the addition of α-CD, inclusion complex of α-CD and lecithin as white solid was formed in artificial fed state intestinal juice. Furthermore, reducing of micellar solubility of lipids were also observed in the presence of α-CD. These results suggested that α-CD can inhibit the lipid absorption in small intestine by interaction with mixed micelle. This effect was assumed as an important part of the mechanism of the lipid lowering effect of α-CD.
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No. 44 Defining the mechanism of reduced blood cholesterol by α-cyclodextrin supplementation.Comments of prize winner
I'm very pleased to be awarded a poster prize at the international conference of cyclodextrin. Especially, most participants were from universities and there are only a few presentations about food chemistry. So, this winning the award is much more meaningful for us as company researchers. Daily feed intake of α-CD shows some anti-metabolic syndrome effects, improvements of the intestinal environment and anti-allergy effect. In this research, we could clarified that reducing of micellar solubility of lipids by interaction between α-CD and mixed micelle was important as a part of the mechanism of the lipid lowering effect of α-CD. We will keep on making efforts for clarifying of the mechanisms of health enhancement effects of α-CD intake on this award-winning.